Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Clean your house with soap nuts

Imagine a detergent that is completely natural, with no animal ingredients, capable of washing your clothes, washing your dishes and cleaning the house.  Your dream will come true with soap nuts which were used as a detergent for centuries.

Soap nuts are actually berries (also known as a soap berry) that grow on the Sapindus tree, an evergreen tree belonging to the Sapindaceae family. Sapindus are common in India and Nepal mostly but also in Southern Asia and in the USA. Nuts contain saponins which produce a foam when shaken in liquid, just like regular soap.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My manifest for the International Animal Rights Day

82.966 was the approximate number of animals killed by human actions every 30 seconds last year. Every day we fight to reduce these numbers but we don´t stop until animals get their basic rights: the right to life, to not be tortured and not be considered a property of the human being. T hat's why the millions of people who fight against speciesism worldwide receive with optimism and hope 10 december - International Day of Animal Rights. 

As a result of terryfing number of deaths left by the Second World War - 60 millions of people, including 6 millions of Jewish Holocaust victims, - in 1948 there was adopted the Universal Declaration of  Human Rights. Now we need to establish the same declaration but according to every living being as a next step to antoher, better civilization - the Society without Suffering. You think that's not necessary? 

And if I told you that every 33 minutes animals suffer their own holocaust, would you belive? Every 33 mintutes dies around 6.000.000 animals in slautherhouses, fur farms, laboratories etc. Millions of senseless deaths, that we could prevent...

For that reason since 1997 we celebrate the International Day of Animal Rights, our purpose is to change our beliefs, our traditions and attitudes towards non-human animals. 

Our whole economic system is built on the explotation of billions of living beings with the same capacity to feel  pain and express complex emotions as human animals do. For this reason the aim of all of us, who struggle against speciesism, is not only to celebrate this day in the thousands of public events all over the world, but to be concious in our daily acts and reclaim that animal rights were respected.

 "Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                       Theodor Adorno

Monday, December 6, 2010

Milk & cookies

I didn´t write anything during last week but it doesn´t mean I did nothing. I cooked a little bit and prepared fantastic and natural washing-up liquid! So these days I will put new recipes that I hope you like but also some music, news, something to read.

Ok, so we have winter here in Poland and everything has turned completely white, and when it´s so cold I love drink a glass of warm vegan milk and cookies! I think it tastes much better if you prepare it by yourself. So check this out.

Coconut milk
1 cup grated or desiccated coconut
3-4 cups water
1 cup soy milk (optional)

Soak the grated coconut for about 2 hours. Add remaining water and a little of soy milk if you prefer the stronger texture. Grind all together for a few minutes. You will notice some strange dense foam on the surface of your milk, but don't be afraid it´s only coconut cream! Do throw it away, you can use it for some desserts, sauces and soups. You have to pick it up anyway because it´s pure fat :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Visiting Turkey

Today we will discover the flavors of Turkey. The falafel with hummus is one of my favorite dishes, unfortunately it´s not very popular in my country and it is quite expensive. Luckily it is easy to prepare at home and of course self-made falafel is very cheap. The ingredients for falafel can vary, so you can choose them according to your taste and every time modify your recipe a little bit. I hope you will like it. Bon apetit!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Soya rulezzz!

Hello everyone! This is my very first post, so let's cook something delicious, how about soy paté? This time I will prepare it in the oven, however there´s no need to bake it but trust me - it's much better! 
That kind of paté is typical in my country because we eat a lot of  bread  and soy paté tastes great with bread (homemade of course!).
It´s fantastic alternative for store-bought soy paté which consists of many preservatives. Besides making soy paté at home it´s much cheaper and much more delicious. Ok guys, let´s cook!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

About the project

 “Society without suffering” is my project whose goal is to spread the idea of veganism and DIY (do it yourself). I know how hard it is to change attitude and try to find our own way. My intention is to show you  an alternative way of life.  I would like to reach as many people as possible so I will publish my posts in English and Spanish and sometimes in my mother tongue - Polish.

The idea of DIY is learning to be independent of  the crap from the supermarket and at the same time of the expensive products sold in health food stores.

You do not have to spend a lot of money to live in a  healthy, natural and cruelty-free  way. You can prepare yourself not just tofu, vegetable milk or bread, but also cosmetics and detergents. This blog will  be my motivation to learn new things and share it with you.

It is very important to share our ideas  because we can create a better world  without suffering of living beings.


“Sociedad sin sufrimiento” es mi proyecto cuyo objetivo es difundir la idea del veganismo y DIY ( hazlo tu mism@). Sé que difícil es cambiar la actitud e intentar encontrar nuestro propio camino. Mi intención es mostraros una forma alternativa de vivir y consumir. Me gustaría llegar a la mayor cantitad  de gente posible por eso voy a publicar el blog en inglés y español y a veces en mi lengua materna - polaco.

La idea de DIY significa aprender ser independiente de la basura que te ofrecen en el supermercado y al mismo tiempo de los productos caros que venden en los herbolarios.
No tienes que gastar mucho dinero para vivir de manera sana, natural y sobre todo sin hacer daño a los animales.

Tu mism@ puedes preparar no sólo el tofu, leche vegetal o pan, pero tambien cosméticos y detergentes. Este blog va a ser también mi motivación para aprender cosas nuevas y espero que queráis intercambiar conmigo  vuestras opiniones.

Es muy importante poder compartir nuestras ideas para crea un mundo mejor - sin sufrimiento de los seres vivos.